- Saturday, 24th September 2022
- Park Hotel Latgola, Ģimnāzijas iela 46, Daugavpils, LV 5401, Latvia
- Warhammer 40,000 9th edition with latest FAQs and erratas
- 2022 War Zone Nephilim Grand Tournament Mission Pack
- SWISS pairings, 3 rounds, 3h each
- 2000 points Strike Force armies
- ForgeWorld units, 3D printed and converted proxies are allowed
- Painted to GW Battle Ready standard and WYSIWYG
- Units of Legend are not allowed
What else:
- A coffee break after the first round
- A lunch after the second round
- Official Deep-Cut Studio battle mats, additional prizes by Deep-Cut Studio, Frontier Wargaming and Liber Daemonica
- An option to stay at the same hotel the event takes place
9:00-10:00 Registration and parings
10:00-13:00 Round 1
13:00-14:00 Coffee break
14:00-17:00 Round 2
17:00-18:00 Lunch break
18:00-21:00 Round 3
21:00 - Results and an after-party in hotel's lobby bar
How much:
- 25 euro per person
How to apply:
- Please register on this website using the most complete and correct information
- Submit your roster, created in BattleScribe software using the latest version and data, via the form below
- Submission deadline is Thursday 15th September 23:59 but we suggesting making your first submission sooner just in case.
- Receive a confirmation to the email address you registered with
- Please contact us ASAP if you have a strong intention to attend and plan to stay in Latgola Hotel. If we get 15 people, you'll get a discount. Standard rates: 50 euro for single, 60 for double-twin, breakfast included
- 3D printed models and proxies must clearly represent their original counterparts in size and loadouts. In case you're not sure if your models adhere to WYSIWYG, please contact us on Facebook or via dpilsgeek at gmail
- Just What Is Battle Ready: https://www.warhammer-community.com/.../citadel-colour.../